
June 25, 2008
It's been a long time. I don't have any new content to update with but I just wanted to tell you all that I'm still around. I have plans to revamp the site, give it a fresh new look, add some new stuff, and take some really old stuff down. Anyway, that's it for now! Until Next time!
December 13, 2007
Just a little bit of an update. I redid several of the bumpmaps on my earlier skins since I found they were messed up in my game. This is due to the fact that when I was playing before I could never put my textures/graphics on high because I was always afraid my computer would lock up. Now that everything is fixed on my computer, I can do that and I noticed that quite a few of my earlier skins look a little screwy in game. I have fixed the files and I encourage you all to download the new ones listed below for a better viewing experience. Thank you and I apologize for the inconvenience.
Files/Adult Female:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
Files/Teen Female:, and
December 7, 2007
Good Grief! It has been forever but I've had horrors of problems when it comes to my computer. We just couldn't figure out what the heck was wrong with it. I didn't have a virus and sure it was slow so I got more RAM and dad tried putting in a new video card to see and even tried a new fan and through the process of ilimination and even though dad had it in mind (though he was trying to avoid it) I ended up having to get a new motherboard because there was something defective about my previous motherboard (which happened to be fairly new). I would have updated a little sooner but I'm caught up with finals and final projects right now but since I'm nearly done, I thought I would share with you some of my latest skins. I do hope that you will enjoy them. I have several in Adult Female Casual (Most of the skins on page 4 I own), some unders for your Adult and Teen Males, and a few casual skins for you Adult Males. Here is a small preview of what is up! Until next time, Happy Simming Everyone!
July 24, 2007
Hi everyone! Just want to give you all a heads up. My desktop is being a prat and it's where I skin so until I can get it fixed so it stops locking on me at unexpected intervals, I probably won't get the site updated. I'm also going a trip to visit my sister in early August and I wouldn't even mention it, except since I don't know when I'll get my desktop fixed... and I'm going on a short trip, it might be a while since I update next. Anyway, just thought I'd poke in and give you all a heads up. I haven't forgotten about the site. Happy Simming all!
Oh! on another note I did update Sidewalks Sims 2 with some new skins so go check out the collab site Mlek and I run. HAHA! You can ignore all those really old ugly skins of mine and skip to the better part on page two. Also added some presents in the Sidewalk Sims Forum.
July 9, 2007
Hello again everyone! I'm back with several skins for your adult males. I had so much fun with these outfits I hope you will like them. Special thanks goes to my friend Steph for helping me to create some of the pretty textures you see on the shirts. I hope that you will like them. Until next time, Happy Simming!
July 3, 2007
Hello again! I'm back with several skins for your adult females. I hope that you all will enjoy them. Until next time, Happy Simming!
June 28, 2007
Greetings! I'm back with several updates for you. Today, it's all about the teens. I have updated with some athletic wear for the girls and casual wear for both your male and female simmies. I do hope you will enjoy the skins. Until next time. Happy Simming!
June 26, 2007
Hi everyone! I'm back and with quite a few new things for all of you. Firstly, I have a whole set of new screenshots for my clothes taken by my dear friend Steph. Secondly, I updating with a little project I've had in the works for a while. I know I'm a dork but I thought it would be fun to get "the scoop" on Aleia's beautiful models. So anyone who is curious or just wants to pass the time, are welcome to have a look at the expose section and find out a little bit about the faces of Aleia. Lastly, I've updated with a hobbit gift I made for my friends on my birthday last month. Along with, the expose skins shown on the models for the special expose event, and my first set of male skins for your simmies. I hope you all enjoy them and, as always, until next time, Happy Simming! P.S. I have a new affiliate. My friend, Sarah is redoing her sim site, Sawcat's Sims so look out for that.